This is a recording of Mary singing the Easter song she wrote in her teen years that is mentioned in the book in the chapter, "Resurrection Celebration." The words to the song are included below the video.
Oh my Father, Oh my God,
My soul is trembling.
Lost in the flood of a Sovereign’s love,
My God, how can it be?
King of Glory,
Do You wash my dirty feet?
Holy One,
Can you bear the touch
Of such a one as me?
Worthy of all glory,
Yet You chose my shame,
A King becomes a servant,
So an orphan finds a name.
Oh my Father, Oh my God,
I’m falling on my knees,
Washed by the blood of Righteousness,
My God has ransomed me!
Blessed Jesus,
Show once more Your bloody scars.
Broken One,
Teach my soul to run nearer to Your heart.
Print upon my memory
What You bore that day.
The breaking of Your body,
For the breaking of my chains.
Risen Savior, Glorious One,
I stand in You redeemed,
Made perfect by the perfect Son,
My Shield and Covering.
The Master kneels,
A slave is freed.
The precious blood and offering,
Accepted by the Father.
In Your sacrifice complete,
Completely Free.
Oh my Father, Oh my God,
How can I help but sing?
Swept up in tides of fiercest joy,
My life to You I bring!
Words and melody by Mary Owen Grimm
originally entitled, “New Song”